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HomeCookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy of

This document provides information about the technologies that allow this website to achieve the purposes described below. These technologies enable the Owner to collect and store information (for example, through the use of Cookies) or use resources (for example, by running a script) on the User’s device when they interact with this website.

For simplicity, in this document, these technologies are succinctly referred to as “Tracking Tools,” unless there is a reason to differentiate. For instance, while Cookies can be used in both web and mobile browsers, it would be inappropriate to discuss Cookies in the context of mobile applications since they are Tracking Tools that require the presence of a browser. Therefore, within this document, the term “Cookie” is used specifically to denote that particular type of Tracking Tool.

Some of the purposes for which Tracking Tools are used may also require the User’s consent. If consent is granted, it can be freely revoked at any time by following the instructions provided in this document.

This website uses Tracking Tools managed directly by the Owner (commonly referred to as “first-party” Tracking Tools) and Tracking Tools that enable services provided by third parties (commonly referred to as “third-party” Tracking Tools). Unless otherwise specified in this document, these third parties have access to their respective Tracking Tools.

The duration and expiration of Cookies and other similar Tracking Tools may vary depending on how they are set by the Owner or each third-party provider. Some of them expire at the end of the User’s browsing session.

In addition to what is specified in the description of each category below, Users can obtain more detailed and up-to-date information on the duration, as well as any other relevant information, such as the presence of other Tracking Tools, in the privacy policies of their respective third-party providers (via the provided links) or by contacting the Owner.

Activities strictly necessary for the operation of this Website and the provision of the Service

This website uses Cookies commonly referred to as “technical” or other similar Tracking Tools to perform activities strictly necessary for the operation or provision of the Service.

Other activities involving the use of Tracking Tools

Enhancing the User Experience

This website uses Tracking Tools to provide a personalized user experience, allowing better management of personal settings and interaction with external networks and platforms.

Interaction with social networks and external platforms

Displaying content from external platforms


This website uses Tracking Tools to measure traffic and analyze User behavior with the aim of improving the Service.

Anonymous statistical services


Targeting and Advertising

This website uses Tracking Tools to provide personalized commercial content based on User behavior and to manage, display, and track advertisements.

Some of the services used by the Owner adhere to the IAB Transparency and Consent Framework, an initiative promoting responsible data processing practices in the digital advertising sector, ensuring Users greater transparency and control over the use of their data for advertising tracking purposes. Users can express their preferences regarding advertising services at any time by accessing the advertising tracking settings panel directly from the cookie policy or through the dedicated link on this website.

This website adheres to the IAB Transparency and Consent Framework and complies with its Specifications and Policies. This website uses iubenda (identification number 123) as software for consent management (Consent Management Platform).


Remarketing and behavioral targeting

How to manage preferences and give or withdraw consent

There are various ways to manage preferences related to Tracking Tools and to give or withdraw consent, where necessary:

Users can manage preferences related to Tracking Tools directly through their device settings – for example, they can prevent the use or storage of Tracking Tools.

In addition, whenever the use of Tracking Tools is based on consent, Users can give or withdraw such consent by setting their preferences within the cookie policy or updating these preferences via the tracking settings widget, if available.

Thanks to specific functions of the browser or device, it is also possible to remove previously saved Tracking Tools.

Other Tracking Tools stored in the browser’s local memory can be removed by clearing the browsing history.

Regarding third-party Tracking Tools, Users can manage preferences and withdraw consent by visiting the respective opt-out link (if available), using the tools described in the third party’s privacy policy, or by contacting the third party directly.

Locating Tracking Tool settings

Users can find information on how to manage Cookies in some of the most popular browsers at the following addresses:

– Google Chrome

– Mozilla Firefox

– Apple Safari

– Microsoft Internet Explorer

– Microsoft Edge

– Brave

– Opera

Users can also manage some Tracking Tools for mobile applications by disabling them through the device’s specific settings, such as mobile advertising settings or general tracking settings (Users can check the device settings to find the relevant one).

How to disable interest-based advertising

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Users are informed of the possibility of using the information available on YourOnlineChoices (EU), Network Advertising Initiative (USA), and Digital Advertising Alliance (USA), DAAC (Canada), DDAI (Japan), or other similar services. With these services, Users can manage tracking preferences for most advertising tools. The Owner, therefore, recommends Users to use these resources in addition to the information provided in this document.

The Digital Advertising Alliance also provides an application called AppChoices that helps Users control behavioral advertising on mobile applications.

Consequences of refusing consent

Users are free to decide whether to give consent or not. However, it should be noted that Tracking Tools allow this website to provide Users with a better experience and advanced features (in line with the purposes outlined in this document). Therefore, in the absence of User consent, the Owner may not be able to provide the related features.

Data Controller


Business Number: 2831596759 – GST/HST Number: 2831596759RT0001

795 Maple Street

Toronto, ON M5A 1A1


Email Address of the Data Controller:

Since the use of third-party Tracking Tools on this website cannot be fully controlled by the Data Controller, any specific reference to third-party Tracking Tools should be considered indicative. For comprehensive information, Users are kindly invited to refer to the privacy policy of the respective third-party services listed in this document.

Given the objective complexity of tracking technologies’ identification, Users are encouraged to contact the Data Controller if they wish to receive further information regarding the use of such technologies on this website.

Recensioni TrustReview

Aiutiamo da quasi 10 anni migliaia di clienti ad aumentare i followers su Instagram, lavoriamo con diversi tipi di clienti, potremmo lodare ciò che facciamo ma lasciamo che siate voi a farlo


Salvatore Malomo

3 ore fa
“I risultati sono davvero sorprendenti, dopo aver provato tantissimi siti simili ho finalmente trovato il migliore”.


Rebecca Piccoli

22 ore fa
“Penso che ad oggi sia fondamentale avere un "aiuto" esterno se si vuole far numeri su instagram e ci sono riuscita con loro”.


Michela Lio

1 giorno fa
“Mi sento di consigliare questi professionisti perchè grazie a loro ho ottenuto tantissime collaborazioni su Instagram".


Mattia Vivo

3 giorni fa
“Dopo aver acquistato da tantissimi siti, per la prima volta ho ricevuto follower italiani e che a distanza di mesi sono ancora presenti”.


Alessandro Cella

4 giorni fa
“Ho con verifollower raggiunto numeri importanti, sono felice di averli conosciuti, consigliatissimi”.


Nicola Miucci

6 giorni fa
“La consegna è stata da record, il servizio impeccabile e la qualità eccezionale, non posso che consigliare questa agenzia”